Thursday 13 September 2018

Upcoming graduation

It's that time again!

We will be having our graduation on Saturday the 22nd of September at 10:00am.  We will have our 9:00am class as normal and then do our graduation in the beginning of our 10:00am class.

It will be great to see everyone turn up for this graduation.  We will be taking photos of the group and individuals  as they receive their promotion.

Students will need to have a black tab on their belt. This is where the stripes will go.  The tab is 11.5 to 12cm. A tailor or anyone with a sewing machine can add the tab. See the photo below for a reference.

Saturday 8 September 2018

New students on the mats

Our first class was a lot of fun this morning.  We had 4 new students come for a trial and it was great to see them join right in and work with the team.  The class consisted of working the first mount escape.  We had Aidan and Olivia helping everyone with the escape.  They both did an excellent job working with everyone.  Well done to you both. 

Our second class was equally as fun.  We worked our 3 side control chain to north south position,  then we progressed to going from north south to the opposite side to side control.  We will be working this more in the coming weeks.  Making intelligent movements to maintain top position is our goal.

Our rolling session was spectacular.  Everyone was actively using what they have learnt over the previous weeks.  Olivia was on fire.  She was submitting everyone she rolled with.  Olivia is a great example of a smaller person using Jiu Jitsu to dominate a larger stronger opponent.  Great work and awesome attitude and sportsmanship Olivia.  Nothing makes me happier than the girls giving the boys a hard time when rolling.

Overall it was great to see all the kids back that have been sick.  The viruses have been getting everyone so please wash your hands often to minimize spreading the bug.

Sunday 2 September 2018

Looking sharp

We had a great class Saturday.  Everyone's Jiu Jitsu was look sharp whilst working our chain.  It went so well that we were able to add the north south position.  that was too easy for most so we threw in the north south choke as well.

We had a great rolling session.  Well done to those who had there first go at rolling.  It's really great to see everyone using techniques they have learned over the previous weeks.  It's been a great beginning for you boys and girls.  Keep up the hard work and never give up.

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

Today we polished up our chain drill we've been working on.  The deliberate and methodical approach to learning the positions has paid off for everyone.

We new have 2 submissions, one from mount and the other from back attack position, and will progress into 2 other of side control positions on Saturday.   

The situational rolling was a lot of fun.  The students all realised that they needed to keep their hip low in side control to stop the person on the bottom from moving to the guard position.  Over all today was a great training session and a lot of ground was covered.  Well done team!

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Tuesday's chain drill session

What a great class.  everyone was thrilled to work on the back attack positions and extremely happy to work on their first lapel choke submission.

Ok so here is how the chain drill works.  The student starting on top in side control progresses to knee on the belly.  After a mental 3 count they slide into mount.  The mounted student starts to roll and the top student changes to technical mount then secures seat belt control.  Now the student on top rolls their opponent and sets their hooks.  Once control is established it's time for the lapel submission.

Watching everyone's ability and confidence in working through this positions is very rewarding for me.  The hard work of drill each position over the last several weeks has paid off and demonstrates everyone's ability to adapt to new concepts in Jiu Jitsu.   It won't be long before we start learning the second chain drill.  It will definitely be a hit with the team.

Thanks again to all the parents that help out and thanks for the support we get from all the parents.  We couldn't do it without you.

Saturday 18 August 2018

Super awesome training day

Today was our first juniors class and as expected we had a great turn out and a super focused group. Well done junior team!

Our goal was to work on taking the back using our seat belt grip and strong hooks.  We played the crazy horse game to test our students on how well they can keep the position. As expected the crazy horse test was a hit with the students. We went over the safety rules when taking the back.  I can't emphasize enough the importance of not pulling your opponent straight back once you have taken their back.

Our next technique was to learn a submission.  We started a good introduction of the lapel choke from the back.  More work to be done however every student learned a lot today and with the new class format things will be progressing quicker.

Our senior class was super awesome as well.  We worked on the same techniques and all the boys and girls nailed it. We've been working a chain of positions and the back take is the last one for this group.  Our chain consists of side control to knee on the belly then slide to mount.  If the person that is mounted rolls then the back take is executed.  This chain will give the newer students tools in their tool box to start rolling.  The goal is to have technical sparring which will start very soon for our newer students.

I'm very proud of everyone for their focus and can do attitude today.  Splitting the class by age group has had the desired effect we needed.  I'm looking forward to many more fantastic classes.


Friday 17 August 2018

New class added on Saturday

Good day everyone

I'm very excited about our new Juniors class that is starting tomorrow. I'm looking forward to being able to have more focus on each student. 

Class times on Saturday are as follows.

9:00am Juniors class

10:00am Seniors class

If the timing works out we may add another juniors class on Tuesday.  More information to come.