Saturday 9 February 2019

Second comp training

It was a great day to be on the mats. We continued with our mount escape work.  The 3 options are working well for everyone.  I can't stress enough how important it is to continually practice these techniques. 

I was very proud of everyone's good sportsmanship and can do attitude during the class.  We got some valuable take down work completed today. 

I've been made aware that a lot of our students are watching BJJ tutorials on YouTube.  I was pleased to hear that news today.  I will start a page here with the trainers that I watch for for tips and techniques. 

I want to give a big shout out to our girls that train at our school.  All of you worked hard today.  I'm extremely pleased and proud to see you girls enjoying the sport.

Sunday 3 February 2019

The first competition training

Our first session went very well.  We worked single leg, knee tap and an intro to our top secret take down. 

In our 10am class we added a new warm up movement.  We've named it the scoot.  It's the beginning exercise to progress to the L Sit.  This one is a wicked ab workout.

Here's a photo of our other passion.  Rollerskating!

 Aidan doing the limbo

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Tuesday's training

It was great to see everyone back today.  We continued with our mount escapes and king/queen of the mat to allow everyone to have a more realistic sense of how to make the 2 techniques work.  We will be moving into our 3rd technique Saturday. 

Saturday is going to be our first training class for competitors.  I'm looking forward to coaching everyone.

Saturday 26 January 2019

Super Saturday Training

Thanks to everyone that came out to train today.  A great time was had by all.

Today we worked on the first mount escape technique.  Once everyone was looking good with the technique we raised the intensity.

Game time.  We did king and queen of the mat to let everyone work on the mount escape with resistance.  Everyone did very well and has discovered that all of the parts of the escape have to be correct for it to work well.

Next Saturday will be our first competition training day.  Time: 11:00am.  I'm looking forward to helping everyone developed their skills.

Tuesday 8 January 2019

We are back in action.

Good day everyone

We had a rough start this year with losing the Dojo keys.  I can now report that I have a new key!

We had a great first class for this year.  We are working on self defense techniques for the foreseeable future. 

today we review and taught our new student grip breaking and how to deal with someone that grabs them from behind.  Everyone enjoyed working the techniques.  It was really nice to be back on the mats today. 

Sunday 23 December 2018

Christmas Break

We are on break until the New Year. 
Classes will resume on Saturday January 5th 2018.

We are taking inquiries about classes during the break.  
Phone: 020 412 29618

Saturday 8 December 2018

Graduation 08-12-2018 and another surprise

We had a fantastic graduation today.  Congratulations to Pietro for achieving his grey/white belt.  Pietro is part of the group of my first students.  I love watching his Jiu Jitsu and very proud to be his instructor.  Everyone else earned a stripe today for their hard work and consistent training.

I look forward to teaching every class.  I can't think of anything more fun for me and Aidan than training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and passing it on to others to enjoy.  So many great things have happened to me and Aidan that wouldn't have occurred if we weren't involved in Bjj.

I want to thank Stuart and Serge for all their support and mentoring.  They are an integral part of my Jiu Jitsu journey.  Without them I wouldn't be able to grade my students legitimately under the IBJJF rules.

Once again Stuart and Serge surprised me today at our graduation.  They gave our gym a congratulatory plaque for our 1st year anniversary.  I have to say I was a little choked up whilst receiving the plaque.  I'm very lucky to have such thoughtful and kind professors.  Oss!